Monday, 22 February 2010

Stressssss - education

So, I have feeling slightly depressed and full of worry the past week due to finding out that i have not made it into my first choice university. I have no idea why they rejected me, i plan on emailing them to find out.. but who knows if they will even reply! On the bright side i have offers for two other Uni's - London Metropolitan and Northampton University for Fashion Marketing.

I feel a large amount of guilt as I should count myself lucky to receive conditional offers from these Universitys considering that I do not study any art related subjects but hey ho, i really had high hopes that i would get into Southampton Solent - somewhere that would have been ideal for me (40 mins away on the train, fairly safe and somewhere that i'm very familiar with = comforting). Now I am stuck on what decision to make - a) apply to another University - Winchester school of ART - that is somewhat closer to where i am now but the only problem is that this uni has higher entry requirements (ABB) that i dont think i will reach or b) accept one of the two offers and be grateful that i have the opportunity to enrol on a course that is right for me and be unhappy with where i am living for the next 3 years of my life. Oh and another thing to worry about -
my boyfriend is currently a student at Winchester school of Art and does not support my idea of applying/attending to the same University as him. So that idea might aswell go down the drain, if i don't put myself first and make choices that will affect me and not him. It's my future after all but i can't help but be concerned about us because, if i move away then the relationship won't work, but he seems to think that moving closer to him will cause damage to the relationship. blah blahauhewtoeifjisdfjafafikljsafafla i think this is enough rambling and being over dramatic for one day.

urghhhh kill me now, i seriously don't know what to do.
i am in need for some retail therapy!

Monday, 15 February 2010

A new addition to the family

I present.. little Remy! My sisters puppy she got for Christmas, he is soooooooooososo adorable.. well he used to be when he was a few weeks old. Now he has become a little rascal and doesn't stop moving AND biting everything he can get his hands on! He'll be coming to stay with me for a week during my half term so I might attempt to teach him some tricks.. if he chooses to obey haha. Sorry for the lack of posts (again) but i hope everyone had a lovely valentines day and chinese/vietnamese new year. i certainly enjoyed recieving red envelopes with £££ in ;)